What we're up to

We're working on building a new playground at Sunview!  Why?  Our student population has grown and there simply isn't enough room on the playground for all of the students that are out for recess at any given time.  How?  the PTA has some money saved that could go towards a new playspace and we're actively applying for grants.  Look for ways to get involved soon!

Super Games is coming on June 5th!

Other PTA Sponsored Activities

Some of the sponsored of the past year include:

Family Fun

·      Ice Cream Social

·      Carnival

·      Special Persons Lunch
·      Lake County Captains Baseball game
·      Holiday Shop
·      Kalahari Nights
·      3rd Grade Dinner

Educational Enrichment
·      Classroom Parties
·      Grade Level Community Service Projects
·      School-wide Community Service Projects
·      L.E.A.P.
·      Reflections Art Program
·      Star Reader Program
·      Star Garden
·      3rd Grade Walk-a-Thon

Teacher/Staff Support
·      Staff Appreciation Week
·      Conference Night Snacks
·      Welcome Breakfast

·      Skating Parties
·     Book Fairs

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