Monday, January 9, 2012

Sunview Stars

Congratulations to our Sunview Stars!  Awards were received December 22 by these deserving students:

Student Nominated By Reason
P. Calaway Mrs. Zawacki Remaining on task and getting her work done
A. Stupica Mrs. Zawacki Being helpful to a student in need
I. Rychel Mrs. Zawacki Being helpful to a student in need
R. Paulett Ms. Treer Always having a smile on her face
J. Edwards Ms. Treer Working hard ot stay on green
J. Ridler Ms. Treer Walking in the hallway like a Sunview Star
F. Gungor Ms. Treer Always being a good friend
V. Brown Mrs. Pompeani Willingly helping other students without being asked
A. Goodman Mrs. Pompeani Working hard in reading
S. Poindexter Mrs. Pompeani Excellent effort
M. Whittaker Mrs. Pompeani Getting started right away on her morning work
J. Perry Mrs. Bell Dislaying excellent behavior in the bus line
A. Murray Mrs. Groudle Being a fantastic role model in the classroom
G. Nelson Mrs. Groudle Being a fantastic role model in the classroom
A. Chase Mrs. Groudle Being a fantastic role model in the classroom
I. Driscole Mrs. Groudle Being a fantastic role model in the classroom
N. Johnson Mrs. Argo Being a great line leader
M. Chen Mrs. Argo Loving to learn
C. Capuzzo Mrs. Argo Loving to learn
G. Johnson Mrs. Zelinka Sharing
J. Edwards Mrs. Zelinka Using kinds words
A. Wright Ms. Johnson Being a peer model during our assembly and assisting classmates during math
N. McCall Ms. Johnson Being enthusiastic about learning
M. MchPherson Mrs. Burkholder Excellent role model
J. Bedo Mrs. Burkholder Having all homework in all week
E. Washlock Speaking up and raising her hand

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