Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunview Stars: April 12th & 19th

Congratulations to our Sunview Stars for April 12th & 19th!

Sunview Stars: April 12th
Torrean R. Ms. Meyer Working hard to complete centerwork
Bryan G. Ms. Meyer Working hard to complete centerwork
Aiden K. Ms. Meyer Working hard to complete centerwork
Anthony C. Ms. Meyer Working hard to complete centerwork
Nick O. Ms. Meyer Working hard to complete centerwork
Payto C. Mrs. Zawacki Getting work done in a timely manner and for making better choices
Greg R. Mrs. Zawacki Continuing to make better choices and getting work done
Ashley C. Mrs. Groudle Explaining her math reasoning verbally
Gavin N. Mrs. Groudle Making an artistic and informative magnet poster
Makayla P. Mrs. Groudle Achieving her Sunview Star Reader calendar every month
Benny W. Mrs. Groudle Completing his composition assignments independently
Arianna G. Mrs. Pompeani Improving her reading test score
Alred M. Mrs. Pompeani Trying to quiet the class down and for being a great role model
Kaley J. Mrs. Argo Awesome reading improvement
Dominic O. Mrs. Argo Awesome reading improvement
Niah J. Mrs. Argo Awesome reading improvement
Tina Dorrer Mrs. Argo Good reading effort
Aidan M. Mrs. Ambrose & Miss Dworkin Being helpful to a classmate during our house research activity
Gianna D. Mrs. Ambrose & Miss Dworkin Being helpful to a classmate during our house research activity
Conor A. Mrs. Ambrose & Miss Dworkin Being a great role model and setting a good example for classmates
Dominic R. Mrs. Ambrose & Miss Dworkin Being a great role model and setting a good example for classmates
Ronisha R. Mrs. Grist Making good choices at school
Casey S. Mrs. Grist Being a good listener for the sub
Eily M. Ms. Young Adjusting well to her first few days
Live W. Ms. Young Assisting another student
Ariana P. Ms. Young Assisting another student
Matt S. Mrs. Tierney Good class participation
Danny S. Mrs. Tierney Good job completing morning work
Jack D. Mrs. Erwin Offering his coat to another student who was cold outside
Terrell R. Mrs. Erwin Askng someine new to eat with him
Rowan B. Mrs. Erwin Working so hard in all subjects
Ryanne A. Ms. Wilson Working hard on reading comprehension
Aiden R. Ms. Wilson Being kind and helpful
Sean P. Mrs. Burkholder Excellent effort on creating a game to depict the history of our community
Matt K. Mrs. Burkholder Excellent effort on creating a game to depict the history of our community
Mya C. Mrs. Burkholder Excellent effot in explaining your thinking in math
Tammy C. Mrs. Burkholder Getting all of her homework in on time this week- good effort!
Gabe B. Mrs. Burkholder Showing good citizenship in treating each other with respect
Michelle G. Mrs. Burkholder Showing good citizenship in treating each other with respect
Kara S. Mrs. Burkholder Alwang being kind to others and treating everyone with respect
Terrell R. Mrs. Mohre Great focus on Wacky Wednesday Work
Anthony A. Mrs. Mohre Reading fluency
Justin B. Ms. Jordan and Mrs. Nash Great job writing a summary with details independently
Mimi L. Ms. Jordan Role Model
Aiden R. Ms. Jordan Role Model
Olivia D. Ms. Jordan Role Model
Matt S. Ms. Jordan Role Model
Hunter C. Ms. Jordan Role Model
Stanley G. Ms. Jordan Role Model
Brooklyn B. Ms. Jordan Role Model
John D. Ms. Jordan Role Model
Collin T. Mrs. Pollack Being a great worker
Angelo F. Mrs. Pollack Always completing his work and being dependable
Hannah P. Mrs. Pollack Always being helpful to substitute when Mrs. Pollack is out
Braylon C. Mrs. Pollack Working quietyly without talking during work time
Sunview Stars: April 19th
Justin B. Mrs. Burkholder Excellent effort in math
Jathan D. Mrs. Burkholder Trying hard on reading test
Phillip H. Mrs. Burkholder Always being respectful to peers
Megan M. Mrs. Burkholder Using strategies to take reading anf math tests
Annabel M. Mrs. Burkholder Using strategies to take reading anf math tests
Julia O. Mrs. Ambrose & Miss Dworkin Helping a calssmate with bellwork and for 100% on her reading test
Gianna D. Mrs. Ambrose & Miss Dworkin 100% on her reading test
Thomas H. Mrs. Zawacki Helpful to peers
Isalbella R. Mrs. Zawacki Helpful to peers
Mu' Tazz  L. Mrs. Zawacki Great job in specials yesterday
Natalie B. Ms. Meyer Walking quietly in the hallway
Alijah L. Ms. Meyer Walking quietly in the hallway
Taylar L. Ms. Meyer Walking quietly in the hallway
Domenic C. Ms. Meyer Walking quietly in the hallway
Lillie A. Mrs. Argo Techno math star
Catelyn C. Mrs. Argo Techno math star
Kailey G. Mrs. Argo Techno math star
Niah J. Mrs. Argo Techno math star
Isabella L. Mrs. Argo Techno math star
Christina M. Mrs. Argo Techno math star
Dominic O. Mrs. Argo Techno math star
Cody O. Mrs. Argo Techno math star
Antonya S. Mrs. Argo Techno math star
Jaylon T. Mrs. Argo Techno math star
Tyler M. Mrs. Bell Showing positive behavior with substitute teacher
Van P. Mrs. Groudle Increasing self confidence in reading and writing
Bryce G. Mrs. Groudle Improvement in behavior and work performance
Savannah S. Mrs. Groudle Returinign homework on time all year long
Aidan A. Mrs. Grist Great role model to his peers
Patrick C. Mrs. Grist Great reading achievements
Maija T. Mrs. Grist Being a good friend to her classmates
Truman M. Mrs. Grist Excellent effort in reading
Arionna H. Mrs. Grist Excellent effort in reading
Kyle L. Ms. Johnson For his willingness to miss his first tournament game to help his class prepare for our Spotlight on Learning performance next week

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