Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Summer Reading Programs

We're down to 6 days of school left before Summer Break!  So what are you going to do with your kiddos all Summer?

I challenged my first grader to a Summer Book Challenge where he'll earn $1 for every book he reads once a summary page is completed (Who, What, Where, Why, How & When).  He plans on reading 100 books- great goal and we started reading last night!

But then today, I've found all sorts of other Summer reading programs:

  • Scholastic has a program where you track minutes and can win prizes when you reach weekly reading goals.  Sign up here.  Kiddos should already be used to this since they have a shirt-ful of stars thanks to their participation in the PTA's Star Reader Program.
  • Cuyahoga County Library also has a program called Mission Possible: Read.  This program tracks reading by the 1/2 hour and kids earn prize drawing entries and an ice cream cone from Mitchells.  Yum! Click on this link to register.
  • Barnes & Noble's program is quite easy too.  Just just their journal to record the names of 8 books your child reads and take it into the store for a free book.  They have some great titles that are sure to be a draw for all kids.
  • Pottery Barn Kids also has a program where your child can earn a free book when you read the titles listed on their site.  They're also having a giveaway fro a backpack filled with books on Facebook.  The link to the contest is on the reading program page.
  • Half Price Books is giving away $5 gift cards when your child reads 300 minutes in June and July.  But there's more- the top reader from each store will win a $20 gift certificate!  Again, this should be a no-brainer for your little Star Reader.
Geez, I could've saved a bundle by just waiting a day until I found all of these great programs!  

But all joking aside, I will be the big winner when my kid is ready to start 2nd grade in the Fall with reading skills stronger than what they are now.  And that's priceless to me.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Sunview Stars: May 3rd-18th

Congratulations to the newest Sunview Stars!

May 3rd
Star Nominated by Reason
Michael B. Ms. Wilson Helping during Ms. Wilson's surprise wedding shower
Tessa M. Ms. Wilson Writing amazing stories with detail
Jillian B. Ms. Wilson Completing all her assignments
Isaiah W. Ms. Wilson Getting started on his work right away
Nadia M. Mrs. Zawacki Helping another student with graphing
Anya S. Mrs. Zawacki Helping another student with her shoe
Brynn G. Mrs. Erwin Giving 100%
Michelle G. Mrs. Erwin Giving 100%
Stanley G. Mrs. Erwin Completing all his work
Amaya L. Mrs. Erwin Working hard everyday
P.J. T. Mrs. Erwin Being kind to others
Bryce G. Mrs. Mohre Being quiet in bus line
Mia T. Mrs. Mohre Being quiet in bus line
Leah D. Mrs. Mohre Being quiet in bus line
Blake G. Mrs. Mohre Being quiet in bus line
Phillip H. Mrs. Mohre Being quiet in bus line
Rebecca S. Mrs. Mohre Being quiet in bus line
Matt S. Mrs. Mohre Being quiet in bus line
Antonia S. Mrs. Mohre Being quiet in bus line
Mimi L. Mrs. Grist Working hard in language arts
Aidan A. Mrs. Grist Raising his hand when he has something to share
Ronisha R. Mrs. Grist Very helpful to classmates and teacher
Jacob T. Mrs. Grist Respectful to friends and doing his personal best
Tyler G. Mrs. Grist Always being on task and giving great answers
Miranda R. Ms. Meyer Finishing her work
Torrean R. Ms. Meyer Earning 100 stickers
Gabby P. Ms. Meyer Being good for the guest teacher
Isaiah T. Mrs. Groudle Having a good first week at Sunview
Lauren S. Mrs. Groudle Doing a great job on her writing diagnostic test
Lexy R. Mrs. Groudle Reading the most minutes each month for Sunview Star Readers
Alijah M. Mrs. Groudle Being a good buddy to Isaiah.  He helped him understand the routine of the class.
Giovanni T. Mrs. Groudle Writing incredible sentences with his Treasures vocabulary
Stella C. Mrs. Pompeani Great self control
Brooklyn B. Mrs. Pompeani Attentive listening and following directions
Nasie T. Mrs. Argo Super helper
Lillie A. Mrs. Argo Fantastic report writing
Nathan E. Mrs. Argo Fantastic report writing
Heather L. Mrs. Argo Kind to a friend
Brandon H. Mrs. Argo Super reader
Mason A. Mrs. Ambrose Turning in 100% of their reading calendars Oct- April
Gianna D. Mrs. Ambrose Turning in 100% of their reading calendars Oct- April
Madison H. Mrs. Ambrose Turning in 100% of their reading calendars Oct- April
Julie O. Mrs. Ambrose Turning in 100% of their reading calendars Oct- April
Aidan M. Mrs. Ambrose Turning in 100% of their reading calendars Oct- April
Madeline P. Mrs. Ambrose Turning in 100% of their reading calendars Oct- April
Lauren W. Mrs. Ambrose Turning in 100% of their reading calendars Oct- April
Paige W. Mrs. Ambrose Turning in 100% of their reading calendars Oct- April
Grace Y. Mrs. Ambrose Turning in 100% of their reading calendars Oct- April
Alonna H. Mrs. Ambrose Turning in 100% of their reading calendars Oct- April
Dominic R. Mrs. Ambrose Turning in 100% of their reading calendars Oct- April
Miss Dworkin Mrs. Ambrose For completing her student teaching experience
May 10th
Andrew M. Mrs. Groudle Doing a great job on his leveled reader
Isabella D. Mrs. Groudle Writing a quality paragraph for her writing diagnostic
Alex C. Mrs. Groudle Reading his rhino report clearly
Summer I. Mrs. Groudle Helping Benny find his crayons & markers in his desk
Betsy W. Mrs. Groudle Helping Benny find his crayons & markers in his desk
Sophia D. Mrs. Pompeani Sunview Star behavior with a guest teacher
Pateo P. Mrs. Pompeani Sunview Star behavior with a guest teacher
Alfred M. Mrs. Pompeani Sunview Star behavior with a guest teacher
Grace A. Ms. Young Being willing to share her butterflies with the class
Joey P. Ms. Young Completing all his written work
Emma B. Ms. Young Always having a smaile
Porter H. Ms. Young Being willing to share his supplies
Alexa M. Ms. Young Making great choices everyday
Mu'Tazz L. Mrs. Zawacki Being in better control of himself
Nathan M. Mrs. Zawacki Earning 6 tokens yesterday
Lauren V. Ms. Meyer PE teacher of the day
Domenic C. Ms. Meyer Working hard on the writing test
Owen M. Ms. Meyer Working hard on the writing test
Aidan B. Ms. Meyer Being a good friend
JP D. Ms. Meyer Being quiet in the hallway
Bryan G. Ms. Meyer Being quiet in the hallway
Ben M. Mrs. Ambrose Following rules & directions
Rose W. Mrs. Ambrose Writing an interesting animal report
Dominic R. Mrs. Ambrose Reading carefully
Hayden H. Ms. Wilson Being a model student
Reagan C. Ms. Wilson Being a model student
Willow P. Ms. Wilson Completing work like a new 2nd grader
All Room 6 kids Ms. Johnson Superb job of performing at Notre Dame Cathedral School
Bus 28 riders Ms. Johnson All well behaved, respectful and quiet all week long
Kaley J. Mrs. Argo Good role model on Greenview trip
Nasie T. Mrs. Argo Good role model on Greenview trip
Catelyn C. Mrs. Argo Good role model on Greenview trip
Nick D. Mrs. Argo Good role model on Greenview trip
Christine M. Mrs. Argo Good role model on Greenview trip
Chris C. Mrs. Argo Good role model on Greenview trip
Tim D. Mrs. Argo Good effort on biography report
Mimi L. Ms. Jordan Role model in bus lines
Bryan G. Ms. Jordan Role model in bus lines
Kendall T. Ms. Jordan Role model in bus lines
Seth M. Ms. Jordan Role model in bus lines
Betsy W. Ms. Jordan Role model in bus lines
Olivia D. Ms. Jordan Role model in bus lines
Tal M. Mrs. Grist Positive behavior during Mrs. Grists's absence last week
Maggie M. Mrs. Grist Positive behavior during Mrs. Grists's absence last week
Sophia Mrs. Grist Positive behavior during Mrs. Grists's absence last week
May 17th
Ben D. Mrs. Ambrose Having an awesome zoo day
Lauren W. Mrs. Ambrose Having an awesome zoo day
Zardakar Z. Mrs. Ambrose Working with Anna as partners all day at zoo
Anna W. Mrs. Ambrose Working with Zardakar as partners all day at zoo
Ashton F. Mrs. Zawacki Always being so helpful without being asked
Thomas H. Mrs. Zawacki Really taking his time with his work
Erin B. Ms. Wilson Being our top reader for the year
Nicole P. Ms. Wilson Being great listeners at the zoo
Gabe V. Ms. Wilson Being great listeners at the zoo
Jasmine A. Ms. Wilson Being great listeners at the zoo
Nicholas A. Ms. Steiner Spending $500 on parties for the class
Kennedy H. Ms. Steiner Spending $500 on parties for the class
Frannie R. Ms. Steiner Bringing in watemelon for a sweet treat
Marneice J. Ms. Steiner Completing her science work independently
Zachary K. Ms. Steiner Always being a hard worker
Aiden K. Ms. Meyer Beinggood for the guest teacher
Antonio S. Ms. Meyer Doing well on his writing test
Kylie G. Ms. Meyer Good behavior
Taylar R. Ms. Meyer Good behavior
Alijiah L Ms. Meyer Good behavior
Justin C. Mrs. Groudle Returning homework packet every week
Vincent C. Mrs. Groudle Reading each month for Star Reader
Charlie L. Mrs. Groudle Reading his animal report fluently
Ben H. Mrs. Groudle Behaving on the zoo field trip
Jocelyn M. Mrs. Tierney Working cooperatively at TEAM Greenview
John D. Mrs. Tierney Working cooperatively at TEAM Greenview
Hannah D. Mrs. Tierney Working cooperatively at TEAM Greenview
Kaley J. Mrs. Argo Huge homework improvement
Chris C. Mrs. Argo Consistent homework
Kailey G. Mrs. Argo Consistent homework
Makenzie J. Mrs. Argo Consistent homework
Brandon H. Mrs. Argo Consistent homework
Caleb T. Mrs. Burkholder Being kind and sharing beach towel
Jack D. Mrs. Burkholder Being on task quickly for morning work
Aidan F. Mrs. Burkholder Coming in and getting ready for morning work on his own
Megan M. Mrs. Burkholder Putting excellent effort into research report
Sean P. Mrs. Burkholder Being helpful in music and helping with remembering hand motions
AJ K. Mrs. Pompeani Taking his time and being neat
McKenzye W. Mrs. Pompeani Excellent effort in reading
Mark T. Mr. Stahl Working hard
Gabby K. Mr. Stahl Nice cursive
Grace S. Mr. Stahl Improved cursive
Miranda N. Mr. Stahl Working hard
Lawrence H. Mr. Stahl Spelling the word bat for Mr. Stahl
Michelle G. Mrs. Erwin Lending a cold friend her coat at TEAM Greenview
Brynn G. Mrs. Erwin Helping others
Carla W. Mrs. Erwin Always finishing her work
Robbie P. Mrs. Erwin Helping others
Alec G. Mrs. Erwin Working hard on the musical
Cory L. Mrs. Grist Great focus during language
Aidan A. Mrs. Grist 100% effort in school
Arionne H. Mrs. Grist Testing out of Title 1 this year and all of their hard work in reading
Holden S. Mrs. Grist Testing out of Title 1 this year and all of their hard work in reading
Maggie M. Mrs. Grist Testing out of Title 1 this year and all of their hard work in reading

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Are you on Facebook?

Have you liked Sunview PTA's new Facebook page?  If not, please following this link to do so and please spread the word!