Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Summer Reading Programs

We're down to 6 days of school left before Summer Break!  So what are you going to do with your kiddos all Summer?

I challenged my first grader to a Summer Book Challenge where he'll earn $1 for every book he reads once a summary page is completed (Who, What, Where, Why, How & When).  He plans on reading 100 books- great goal and we started reading last night!

But then today, I've found all sorts of other Summer reading programs:

  • Scholastic has a program where you track minutes and can win prizes when you reach weekly reading goals.  Sign up here.  Kiddos should already be used to this since they have a shirt-ful of stars thanks to their participation in the PTA's Star Reader Program.
  • Cuyahoga County Library also has a program called Mission Possible: Read.  This program tracks reading by the 1/2 hour and kids earn prize drawing entries and an ice cream cone from Mitchells.  Yum! Click on this link to register.
  • Barnes & Noble's program is quite easy too.  Just just their journal to record the names of 8 books your child reads and take it into the store for a free book.  They have some great titles that are sure to be a draw for all kids.
  • Pottery Barn Kids also has a program where your child can earn a free book when you read the titles listed on their site.  They're also having a giveaway fro a backpack filled with books on Facebook.  The link to the contest is on the reading program page.
  • Half Price Books is giving away $5 gift cards when your child reads 300 minutes in June and July.  But there's more- the top reader from each store will win a $20 gift certificate!  Again, this should be a no-brainer for your little Star Reader.
Geez, I could've saved a bundle by just waiting a day until I found all of these great programs!  

But all joking aside, I will be the big winner when my kid is ready to start 2nd grade in the Fall with reading skills stronger than what they are now.  And that's priceless to me.

1 comment:

  1. A friend of mine also has this creative/summer reading program:
    Check it out - it's a pretty colorful website and a lot to browse through!
