Friday, February 3, 2012

February 2 Sunview Stars!

Hurray to the following students for being recognized as Sunview Stars February 2, 2012:

Student Teacher Reason
Tyler G.  Mrs. Bell Being helpful and carrying a heavy bag for a classmate
Connor A. Mrs. Ambrose Getting 100% on a math test
Maddie P. Mrs. Ambrose Getting 100% on a math test
Ben D. Mrs. Ambrose Getting 100% on a math test
Sophie F. Mrs. Erwin Working hard on math
Matt. S. Ms. Jordan Good role models and leaders
Hailey B. Ms. Jordan Good role models and leaders
Kaye F. Ms. Jordan Good role models and leaders
Michael D. Ms. Jordan Good role models and leaders
Dylan S. Ms. Jordan Good citizen in Mrs. Zawacki's class
Brandon M. Ms. Jordan Excellent effort in small group
Brady D. Ms. Jordan Bus leader
Bryce T. Mr. Stahl Saying please and thank you
Julian M. Mr. Stahl Having a big smile and working hard
Michael D. Mr. Stahl Concentrating durng cursive lessons
Maddie C. Mr. Stahl Being a good friend
Mark T. Mr. Stahl Turning a bad day into a good one
Jonathan B. Mrs. Pompeani Having great self control
Stell Mrs. Pompeani Being kind to her peers
Natalie B. Ms. Meyer Keeping coat rack clean
Nixk O. Ms. Meyer Finishing his work
Hailey S. Ms. Meyer Practicing her sight words
Kamryn T. Ms. Meyer Sitting quietly during carpet time
Chinedu O. Mrs. Helmet Working hard to complete his classwork
Jack D. Mrs. Burkholder Excellen job on putting effort into tests.  Got all As on last 3 tests!
Aidan F. Mrs. Burkholder Great job on participating for Grammar on carpet
Jathan D. Mrs. Burkholder Turning all homework in all week
Megan M. Mrs. Burkholder Continues to be a great role model in line, groups, and for making good choices
Michael F. Mrs. Burkholder Trying hard to participate at the carpet and in groups.  Excellent focus on getting work done!
Tyler G. Mrs. Zelinka Great work on rhyming words
Summerlin P. Mrs. Zelinka Doing your best in Reading Club
Marissa B. Mrs. Zelinka Practicing you sight wwords
Mia T. Mrs. Zelinka Impriving in Reading Club
Isaiah W. Mrs. Zelinka Improving in Reading Club
Nicholas G. Ms. Wilson Not talking during the fire drill
Hayden H. Ms. Wilson Working hard on reading skills
Sammie L. Mrs. Zawacki Getting her work done in a timely manner
Brenna S. Mrs. Zawacki Doing better at being focused at carpet time
Ferhat G. Ms. Johnson Accepting responsibility for his actions, even though it was hard
Danielle B. Ms. Johnson Working so very hard to make-up and complete her work after being absent for almost a week!
Holden S. Mrs. Grist Superstar effort in reading
Sophia D. Mrs. Grist Great job completing all her work to the best of her ability
Stephanie R. Mrs. Tierney Finding the spelling of words in the reading passage
Angela H. Mrs. Tierney Writing details from reading passage
India J. Mrs. Tierney Completing morning on Wednesday
Danny S. Mrs. Tierney Completing morning on Wednesday
Antonya S. Mrs. Argo Making good choices
Nick D. Mrs. Argo Amazing Treasures test scores
Michael C. Mrs. Argo Amazing Treasures test scores
Nathan E. Mrs. Argo Amazing Treasures test scores
Jared W. Mrs. Argo Huge improvement in reading
Alexis E. Mrs. Bell Always helping to keep the classroom clean
Christopher R. Mrs. Bell Always putting forth his best effort in everything he does
Charlie L. Mrs. Groudle Being so kind to Betsy
Vincent Crenshaw Mrs. Groudle Always raising his hand before he speaks
Benjamin H. Mrs. Groudle Listening to Mrs. Groudel when she asks him to make a better choice- he does!
Lexy R. Mrs. Groudle Always thinking "outside the box"
Gio T. Mrs. Groudle Helping Mrs. Groudle realize she made a mistake, but being very kind about it
Betsy W. Mrs. Groudle Helping Mrs. Groudle realize she made a mistake, but being very kind about it

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