Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Our fundraising is almost in the bag!

Have you checked out the Mixed Bag Designs catalogue and shared it with friends and family yet?  There is a nice variety of products at many different price points.  Think Mother's Day, birthdays, Swim team or beach outings, graduation gifts (the  Hold Everything tote would be a great laundry bag for a college bound graduate!).

One nice feature of the bags is that they do not contain vinyl or PVCs, so you can breathe easier knowing that these bags, made of partially recycled polywoven material, are truly greener products.

A few reminders: When you take orders, remember to add in tax (7.75%) and  (Sorry for this wrong info!) have checks made out to you personally.  When you turn in your orders, submit ONE check made out to Sunview PTA that includes all of the amounts of the orders you've collected.

Orders need to be in by Friday March 9th and will be delivered after we return from Spring Break.

1 comment:

  1. ***CORRECTION**

    We do not need to collect tax on these bags. The price stated is the total price.
